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Marewal resident held for sowing poppy in kitchen garden, 15 kg plants seized

The Koom Kalan police arrested a resident of Marewal village for sowing poppy plants in his kitchen garden and seized 15 kg poppy plants.
The accused has been identified as Gurdeep Singh. Assistant sub-inspector (ASI) Raj Kumar, who is investigating the case, said that they received the tip-off that the accused had planted poppy in his kitchen garden and erected a fence of dried grass around it to hide them.
A police team conducted a raid and seized the plants. The accused had no license to grow these plants used for extracting opium and poppy husk, police said.
The ASI added that a case under sections 16, 61 and 85 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act has been registered at Koom Kalan police station.
On Friday, Doraha police had arrested a farmer for sowing poppy plants in his fields and seized 7 kg plants.
